Textbook X-Change

Over 9000 textbooks in stock!



NOW AVAILABLE: "Physics" by Stephen King, "Chemistry" By Walter H. White, "Biology" by Shane Dawson.


NOW AVAILABLE: "Shakespeare's Best Works" by John Cena, "Paradise Lost" by John Milton, "Harry Potter and the Unpaid Mortage" by J.K Rowling.


NOW AVAILABLE: "How to do Math" by Drew Carey, "Basketball Maths" by Shaquille O'Neal, "2 + 2 and other problems" by Pewdiepie.


Textbook X-Change app now on iOS and Android

Buy and sell your tesxtbooks right from your smartphone!

Find Local Textbooks

We use a Google maps API to show you local textbooks that are available. It makes it easier to find what you need fast!

Machine Learning Categorizing

Our app uses Machine Learning AI that automatically categorizes your Textbooks by subject. No need to worry about putting the proper tags on your textbook listing.

Buy or Rent Electronic Textbooks

You can now buy or rent textbooks from your phone and read them instantly!

Sell Your textbooks locally

Sell your used textbooks to local students. People in the area will be able to see the Textbook your selling instantly.

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